1 minute
Social inclusion

Migration management

This cooperation enabled the creation of a network of 13 local Roma civil society organizations throughout Serbia.

A German-funded project through GIZ  “Migration prevention and support to return of asylum seekers“ , the organization Help is implementing in cooperation with the SKRUG-Liga Roma and YUROM Centre in Serbia.

This cooperation enabled the creation of a network of 13 local Roma civil society organizations throughout Serbia. Each Roma CSO serves as a focal point for returnees and provides them with the much-needed information about the assistance available within the Help’ project.

For example, one returnee family can apply for improvement of housing conditions, equipment to start their own business, get business and vocational training sessions, language lessons, and even occupational retraining.

In just one year of implementation more than half of the registered applicants make returnees and 73 per cent make Roma population in Serbia.

All interested can apply through the closest info centre for detailed information and application form:

BEOGRADSKRUG Liga Romahub1@ligaroma.org.rs
Humanitarni centar ROMhub2@ligaroma.org.rs
SMEDEREVOUdruženje Roma 21 Jelenahub3@ligaroma.org.rs
SUBOTICAEdukativni centar Romahub4@ligaroma.org.rs
NOVI SADUdruženje romskih studenatahub5@ligaroma.org.rs
KIKINDAUdruženje građana PROMA ROTAhub6@ligaroma.org.rs
NIŠYUROM Centarhub8@ligaroma.org.rs
BORRomska inicijativa mladih Gypsy Soulhub9@ligaroma.org.rs
SURDULICAUdruženje Roma intelektualacahub10@ligaroma.org.rs
LESKOVACRomska obnova, saradnja i alternativa ROSAhub11@ligaroma.org.rs
VRANJEDruštvo „Bakija Bakić“hub12@ligaroma.org.rs
BUJANOVACOmladinski forum za edukaciju Roma OFERhub13@ligaroma.org.rs