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Economic empowerment

Eu assistance to flood affected agriculture and micro businesses

Within the EU Assistance for Flood Relief in Serbia Programme, as an implementing partner, the organization Help prepared and carried out a series of trainings for the 55 flood affected agriculture and micro businesses from Obrenovac, during September 2016.

Businesses supported by in-kind grants for revitalization of their income generating activities, in addition were supported with the business trainings aimed at the most burning questions after the floods. The topics covered: insurance of assets, equipment/machinery/crops and animals, health and pension insurance of agriculture producers, bank loans for agriculture and bank loans for micro and small businesses, finances in agriculture business, bookkeeping, tax administration, subventions by the Ministry of agriculture and IPARD funds, as well as management, marketing and sales including business communication and social networks presentations.

Based on the experience with the 2014 flood, the farmers and micro businesses owners stressed the importance of the insurance, hence the satisfaction with the topic covered in a two-day agenda trainings (89 percent of attendees rated the topics covered at the training with the highest mark).

Within the EU flood relief in Serbia programme’ second phase, Help supported 227 micro and small businesses including agriculture activities in Obrenovac, Svilajnac and Lazarevac with in-kind grants to revive the economic activities in the flood affected cities and municipalities.